
Banking offers for newcomers to Canada

助您更順利在此展開新生活。 When you open a Performance Chequing Account with the BMO NewStart® Program, you’ll find exclusive offers for credit cards, investing and overseas money transfers.


This includes up to a $600 cash bonus for new customers* plus a $100** Walmart Canada eGift card with our current newcomer offers.

The BMO NewStart Program has offers valued at more than $2,100 footnote section

我們了解安頓新生活實屬不易,這就是為什麼我們要在此協助您! With the BMO NewStart® Program, get special banking offers and financial guidance to help make Canada your new home.


With a $60 cash bonus with rental of a safety deposit box.*63



使用BMO 全球匯款服務,匯款快速又安全,且不收費用。


We’ve got branches and ATMs all across Canada. 我們有超過850家分行,處處都能為您提供服務。

The BMO NewStart® Program has offers valued at more than $2,100


  • Chequing offers



  • No monthly plan fees*69
  • Unlimited transactions*52 and Interac e-transfers®*39
  • 透過BMO家庭方案銀行服務組合,您家中同住的家人可享免費的日常銀行服務*90


  • Credit Cards offers



  • 不需要信用記錄
  • 前3個月可獲享高達5%現金回贈。‡‡ with a BMO CashBack Mastercard with a value of max. $125 in cash back OR
  • 25,000 bonus points for you with a BMO eclipse rise Visa Card. Get 20,000 points when you spend $1,500 in the first 3 months.91 Plus, earn up to 5,000 bonus points every year!94, 95


  • Mortgage offers


  • 130-day mortgage rate guarantee – the longest of any major Canadian bank. 註腳星號


  • Investment offers

獲得$325 註腳12 獎勵利率,前提是您投資1年期的 擔保投資存款證12


  • Enjoy a bonus interest rate on select 1-5 year BMO GICs with the BMO NewStart® Program* 註腳69



The BMO NewStart® program allows residents of a 申請支票賬戶,且如果您是國際學生,還可購買擔保投資存款證(GIC)。動身之前即先在網上開戶並可匯出多達$75,000資金。









Learn more about Canadian banking with BMO SmartProgress™

Explore personal finance topics like homebuying, credit scores, preventing identity theft, and developing a savings plan with our online financial wellness tool, BMO SmartProgress™.


  • The BMO NewStart® Program offers banking products and services for permanent residents and foreign workers for their first five years in Canada.這項計劃專為協助您更容易在加拿大安頓好新生活而設。 Learn how the BMO NewStart® Program can help you.

  • To be eligible for the BMO NewStart® program, you must be a permanent resident or foreign worker who arrived in Canada within the last five years.您將需要加拿大居民身分的證明,例如永久居民卡、永久居留權確認證明或工作許可。

  • Once you arrive in Canada, to open a Performance Plan Chequing account with the BMO NewStart® program, you’ll need the following documents:

    • 您的加拿大永久居民卡、永久居留權確認(IMM 5292或IMM 5688)、工作許可(IM 1442)或入學許可。
    • 一份由政府核發、附照片的身分證件,例如您的護照或加拿大駕照。More information about valid photo identification.

    如果您已經擁有社會保險號碼及一個加拿大地址,您可以在網上開戶。 Find the right bank account for you.

  • 若要取得現金紅利優惠的完整詳情,請查看完整的條款及細則

  • BMO 家庭方案銀行服務組合讓家人也能享受免費的日常銀行服務,包括個別支票賬戶帶來的好處及個人隱私。取得所有關於BMO 家庭方案銀行服務組合的詳情

  • 否,紅利上限是$50,即使您新增一位以上的家人。

  • 您必須透過網上銀行服務或行動銀行服務支付賬單,才符合獲享紅利的資格。

  • 每筆賬單付款必須至少達到$50,才符合此項優惠的資格。

  • 每筆預先授權付款必須至少達到$50,才符合此項優惠的資格。

  • 根據優惠活動的條件,透過網上/行動銀行服務支付BMO 信用卡且金額至少達$50的賬單付款,將被視為符合資格的付款。透過網上/行動銀行服務轉賬至BMO 信用卡,不符合賬單付款的資格。


  • 親臨分行洽談


  • 請致電我們

  • Footnote section details$2,100價值是假設客戶符合獲得與BMO NewStart計劃相關的獎勵、省錢優惠及福利的資格,其計算方式如下:i) Up to $600 total cash bonus when you open and fund a new Canadian Dollar Primary Chequing Account and Savings Amplifier Account; ii) bank plan fee waiver for 12 months for a value up to $215.40 ($17.95 per month); iii) $60 cash bonus with rental of a safety deposit box; iv) Unlimited BMO Global Money Transfers with no fee up to $120 annual value based on two money transfers per month for 12 months using BMO Global Transfer at a fee of $5 per transfer; v) Family members in your household save $215/year on monthly bank plan fees with BMO family bundle; vi) save $155/year with fee waiver for OnGuard; vii) $60 cash bonus for one cheque book; viii) Up to $125 in cash back with 5% cashback in the first 3 months with a BMO CashBack® Mastercard; ix) Receive an estimated value of $235.06 in total interest when you open and fund a new Savings Amplifier Account. Earn bonus interest for a total rate of 5.50% for up to 120 days from the account open date (Promotion Period) on deposits made to your BMO Savings Amplifier Account註腳10x) Receive an estimated value of $325 in bonus interest when you open and fund a 1–5-year BMO Guaranteed Investment Certificate. Calculation assumes the following: A balance of $50,000 is deposited into a 1-year BMO Guaranteed Investment Certificate at a 5.40% interest rate where regular rate is 4.75% and the Newstart program applies a special bonus interest of 0.65% to total rate xi) Get a $100 Walmart Canada gift card when you qualify for the NewStart welcome offer. 參閱條款及細則
  • 註腳劍號詳情Subject to credit approval. To be eligible for the BMO NewStart® Program, you must be a permanent resident or foreign worker who arrived in Canada within the last five (5) years, and you must be at the age of majority in your province or territory of residence at the time of account opening. 必須提供加拿大永久居民卡、永久居留權確認或工作許可(IMM 1442)的證明,以證明在過去五(5)年內取得身分。BMO NewStart®計劃不要求您有加拿大的信用記錄才有資格申請信用卡。如果您不符合申請無擔保BMO 信用卡的資格,但是只要您提供我們一筆擔保存款並且符合 BMO的資格條件,您也許仍然有資格申請信用卡。
  • Footnote star detailsWe guarantee your interest rate for the selected fixed rate mortgage type and term for up to 130 days from the rate guarantee start date.如果在130天內,此項房屋貸款並未獲得撥款,則此項利率保證便自動失效。僅適用於住宅房屋貸款,且必須經過滿地可銀行對住宅的標準放款條件審核。加拿大所有主要銀行中最長的利率保證期限(截至2024年3月1日止的資料)。
  • 腳註1詳情 須遵守條款及細則
  • 腳註2詳情 To qualify for any special offer pertaining to the BMO NewStart program as set out above, a customer must be a permanent resident or foreign worker who arrived in Canada within the last five (5) years, and you must be at the age of majority in your province or territory of residence at the time of account opening. 必須提供加拿大永久居民卡、永久居留權確認或工作許可(IMM 1442)的證明,以證明在過去五(5)年內取得身分。 The Bank Plan offer included in the BMO NewStart program applies to the Performance Plan only.我們也提供其他的銀行計劃,但是不包括在有折扣的銀行服務優惠中。 You are eligible to receive the full monthly Plan fee rebated for a twelve (12) month period and are responsible for all transaction, service and product fees not included in your Bank Plan. After the twelve (12) months of being enrolled in the BMO NewStart program, eligibility for the monthly Bank Plan fee waiver ends and the full monthly Bank Plan fee ($17.95/month) will be applied to your account automatically.
  • 腳註3詳情 Please check with your local BMO branch for availability. Receive a $60 cash bonus with the BMO NewStart Program when you open a Primary Chequing Account in the Performance Plan under the BMO NewStart Program and rent a safety deposit of any size. Not all sizes are available at all BMO branches.
  • 腳註4詳情 The transfer fee is waived when the transaction is completed through an eligible account with the Premium Plan or the Performance Plan in the BMO NewStart Program. Up to $120 annual value is based on two money transfers per month for 12 months using BMO Global Transfer™ at a fee of $5 per transfer. 轉賬費用的金額並非固定,且可能隨時會變更。仍適用外幣匯率。涉及資金轉賬過程中的其他銀行可能會向收款人收取額外費用。
  • 腳註5詳情 BMO CashBack Mastercard applications must be received between September 2, 2022 and November 30, 2024 to receive the 5% cash back welcome bonus offer. 在迎新獎勵期間,5%的獎勵率適用於最高達$2,500的合格消費(最高達$500的合格日常雜貨消費、最高達$500的合格週期性賬單付款,以及最高達$1500的所有其他合格消費(扣除退款並且不包括預借現金、類似現金交易、利息、費用、信用卡或扣賬卡調整等),且現金回贈的最高上限為$125。請參見以下詳情:
    • Grocery purchases: Receive 3% cash back on the first $500 spent on eligible grocery purchases (made at merchant locations in Canada classified by Mastercard's "Merchant Category Code" as "grocery stores and supermarkets" MCC 5411) per billing cycle period and an additional 2% bonus cash back up to a maximum of $500 spent on all combined grocery purchases made at merchant locations in Canada in the first three (3) billing cycles. 總計,您在迎新獎勵期間,合格的日常雜貨消費最高可獲得$25的現金回贈。
    • Recurring Bill Payments: Receive 1% cash back on the first $500 spent on eligible recurring bill payments made at merchant locations in Canada (defined as payments made on a monthly or regular basis, and which are automatically billed by the merchant to your BMO CashBack Mastercard per billing cycle and an additional 4% bonus cash back up to a maximum of $500 spent on all qualified recurring bill payments made at merchant locations in Canada in the first three (3) billing cycles.對於上述同時被歸類為日常雜貨、交通或汽油及電動車充電消費(如萬事達卡的「商戶類別代碼」所歸類)的週期性賬單付款,您將不會賺取任何現金回贈紅利,並且將遵守合格日常雜貨、交通或汽油及電動車充電消費的紅利上限規定。總計,您在迎新獎勵期間,合格的週期性賬單付款最高可獲得$25的現金回贈。
    • 所有其他消費:在前三(3)個賬單週期內,消費可享0.5%現金回贈,還有額外的4.5%現金回贈紅利,至最高消費上限$1,500為止。總計,合格消費最高可獲得$75的現金回贈。
    • 5%的現金回贈紅利優惠僅提供給BMO 現金回贈萬事達卡的新賬戶,不提供給現有持卡人或恢復已關閉賬戶、將產品轉讓或開設新賬戶的前持卡人。每個賬戶限獲得一次紅利優惠。如果您在開戶後九十(90)天內取消您的信用卡,則您在該期間內所賺取的所有現金回贈獎勵都將會被取消。本優惠得隨時撤銷或變更,恕不另行通知。
  • 腳註6詳情 Ongoing interest rates, interest-free grace period, annual fees and all other applicable fees are subject to change. 預借現金包括餘額轉賬、類似現金交易及萬事達卡支票。 For current rates and fees, visit your branch; or, for Mastercard products call the Customer Contact Centre at 1-800-263-2263, for the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite* Card call 1-833-256-7136, for the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card call 1-833-265-7137. To review current rates and fees for the BMO Prepaid Mastercard, visit bmo.com/rates-fees-prepaid, for all other credit cards visit bmo.com/rates-fees
  • 腳註7詳情 No-fee daily banking with our Family Bundle offers an unlimited number of transactions and Interac e-Transfer transactions per month provided the daily Interac e-Transfer total does not exceed $3,000. Transactions include everyday banking transactions at a BMO branch, BMO ATM, BMO Telephone Banking, BMO Online Banking, BMO Mobile Banking, debit card purchases, cheques drawn on your account and Pre-Authorized Payments. 其他服務及產品可能仍將收費。
  • 腳註8詳情  須遵守條款及細則
  • 腳註9詳情 Receive a cash bonus of $60 (“Cash Bonus”) when you open a Primary Chequing Account in the Performance Plan with the BMO NewStart Program and place an order for cheques through a BMO branch, BMO Online Banking or the customer contact centre within 90 days of account opening. 每位客戶每個賬戶限獲得一次現金優惠。聯名賬戶僅限獲得一次現金獎勵。要符合資格,主要支票賬戶在支付現金獎勵的當時必須處於信用良好狀態。現金獎勵將於支票簿訂購日起的90天內支付。我們酌情保留權利,對我們懷疑使用不當手段操縱或濫用本優惠,或破壞公平性、誠信或運作的任何客戶,得暫停、取消資格、限制或撤銷其獲得現金紅利。我們得保留可隨時變更或撤回本優惠的權利,恕不另行通知。
  • 腳註10詳情 Receive an estimated value of $235.06 in total interest when you open and fund a new Savings Amplifier Account at any BMO branch or online at bmo.com. Earn bonus interest for a total rate of 5.50% for up to 120 days from the account open date (Promotion Period) on deposits made to your BMO Savings Amplifier Account. 促銷期間結束後,現有的存款及未來存入的資金,將根據任何BMO 分行公佈的利率賺取利息,利率也可在網上取得: bmo.com/rates。根據以下假設計算得出:
    1. A daily closing balance of $13,000 is maintained throughout 120 days.
    2. Bonus interest of 5.50% is earned on $13,000 over 120 days. 我們得隨時變更、展延或撤回本優惠利率促銷活動,恕不另行通知。
    3. Any Interest is calculated on the daily account closing balance and paid monthly on the last business day of the month.利息按賬戶同幣種支付。利率按年計算。
    4. Interest rates and balance tiers are subject to change without advance notice. For full terms and conditions on the bonus rate offer click here
  • 腳註11詳情 Interest is calculated on the daily account closing balance and paid monthly on the last business day of the month. 利息按賬戶同幣種支付。利率按年計算。獎勵利率和公佈利率可隨時更改,恕不另行通知。公佈利率將在優惠期結束後適用於Savings Amplifier賬戶。
  • 腳註12詳情 Calculation assumes the following:
  1. A balance of $50,000 is deposited into a 1-year year BMO Guaranteed Investment Certificate at a 5.40% interest rate where regular rate is 4.75% and the Newstart program applies a special bonus interest of 0.65% to total rate.
  2. Note that the regular and bonus interest listed for New Canadians is subject to change or be withdrawn at any time without notice. This bonus rate is as of February 8, 2024.
  3. 利率按年計算。 Any interest is calculated on the deposit amount and redeemed at the end of the term.利息按賬戶同幣種支付。
  • 所有Walmart Canada商標均為Walmart Apollo, LLC的財產, 並且BMO 經許可使用。版權所有。如需查詢禮品卡的條款及細則,請瀏覽 Walmart Canada網站
  • Footnote star, star detailsTerms and conditions apply