
BMO Private Wealth Careers 

我們獨樹一格的視野讓我們與眾不同。 BMO 私人財富部門致力於建立一個有別於任何業內其他公司的財富管理事業。

Join the trusted BMO Private Wealth team



If you’re an experienced Investment Advisor or Investment Counsellor who has existing relationships with affluent clients, let’s chat about how BMO Private Wealth can be a better fit for both you and your clients. 我們的深厚專業知識與廣泛的資源可提供您管理與發展您的專業工作所需的支援。

Experienced advisors and investment counsellors

您是否是一位深具經驗的投資諮詢師或投資顧問,目前正在為您的客戶及自己尋找一個更理想的合作夥伴? BMO 私人財富事業部為尋求增長其專業工作的專業人士提供無縫接軌的轉型機會。



  • Best-in-class resources

    您可以接觸到業界最佳的一流人才,透過研究調查及銷售支持方案協助您擴展業務。BMO 資本市場團隊是業界的翹楚,更是您的專業工作所不可或缺的夥伴。這個專屬團隊持續提供全球經濟與金融市場的分析及預測,協助您為客戶做出最正確的決定。

  • A diverse and inclusive culture

    We're committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace, and are proud to include women, black, indigenous, and other people of colour alongside leaders from other minority groups within our leadership teams. 我們的導師專案、育嬰假政策及聯誼性活動等都以支持及協助專業人士及各行各業的客戶為目的。

  • Entrepreneurial spirit and stability


  • Technology focused




At BMO Private Wealth, we equip you with the tools, resources and unwavering support to forge your unique journey in financial services. Immerse yourself in an environment where your ambition is met with our dedication to your professional advancement - deeply rooted in our rich heritage and progressive vision.


- Megan Sutherland,資深投資顧問,卡加利


- Jessica Jolin,投資顧問,蒙特婁

BMO 私人財富事業簡介

BMO 私人財富事業將 BMO 利時證券的創業文化結合了 BMO 私人銀行的業務。在結合兩者之後,我們整合了雙方的資源以大力協助您建立您的業務,進而滿足您客戶的個人及專業需求。

Our achievements

Canada’s Best Private Bank from 2011-2023 by the World Finance Banking Awards

BMO 私人銀行連續13年獲頒加拿大的最佳私人銀行,以及連續九年獲頒加拿大最佳商業銀行;頒獎單位: World Finance Magazine.


At BMO Private Wealth, we partner with an award-winning global team of experts to provide sophisticated advice and strategies to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. Learn more about the bespoke services and solutions we offer to our Private Wealth clients.  


BMO 私人銀行事業正在招聘經驗豐富的專業人士加入我們的團隊。